Dangerous Territory

Amy Peterson grew up in church, where she loved the adventurous stories of missionaries in foreign countries. After college, she was ready to “do big things for God” on the mission field herself. Dangerous Territory is a captivating memoir of Amy’s personal journey from wide-eyed adventurer to questioning believer to simply a beloved child of God. Her story will challenge your notion of “mission work,” showing how you can have a vital relationship with God that naturally spills over to affect others.


"Peterson is a thoughtful writer whose honest prose will appeal to any readers wanting to align themselves with God’s will, whether in a foreign land or at home.”
Publishers Weekly starred review

"Amy Peterson's wise and provocative words should be required reading for any Christian about to immerse herself in another culture or community."
Lauren F. Winner, author of Girl Meets God and Wearing God

“People are both hungry to hear stories of what God is up to all over the world and uneasy at how these stories have traditionally been told. This is why Dangerous Territory is a must-read for anyone, like myself, who longs to be a part of the global story of God’s coming kingdom. Here, Peterson unpacks the layers of the traditional missionary narrative in ways that are subversive, profound, and ultimately hopeful.”
D. L. Mayfield, author of Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith

“There is a disarming determination in these pages not to let Christian faith go until its blessings are known and felt.”
Wesley Hill, assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity School for Ministry and author of Spiritual Friendship

"Amy Peterson is one of my favorite writers."
Rachel Held Evans, author of Searching for Sunday

"Peterson's thoughtful and vulnerable exploration of her missionary experiences urges us to peel away the layers. To learn, finally, what it is to rest in our own Belovedness."
Addie Zierman, author of Night Driving and When We Were on Fire

“Amy’s is a story of a life broken open and remade: imperfectly, beautifully. We need more brave stories like hers.”
Micha Boyett, author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, & Everyday Prayer